Hi! I'm happy you made it here! This section (BLOG) will be where I post most frequently.
If you'd like to know more about this community and you haven't read FAQs yet, feel free to click through now! FAQ
It's Sunday, the sun is out, I just had a wonderful veggie dinner. I'll go for a jog later in the evening, but in the meantime, I'll be updating all the blog pages, creating new posts for you.
I'm really excited about this! So curious to see how it goes. :)
I hope you'll enjoy your stay if you choose to sign up to lower depths.
Please have a look at the polls, I'd love it if you voted!
By the way, I love the name of the community, it's something I've stumbled upon while playing my favourite game of all time: Kentucky Route Zero.
The most amazing gameplay scene took place in a bar called LOWER DEPTHS and ever since then, I've been wanting to use it in my own work.
I like how it's a tongue twister as well. ;) The THS in depths is a tricky one to pronounce!
Anyway, back to work, love ya and I'll see you later.
Kat xx